Instead of serving chips and dip at your
next party, try serving Coleen’s Better Than Breadsticks as a unique party
breadstick hors d’oeuvres. Coleen started creating these cheese infused
breadsticks as an alternative selection when she was catering for parties.
Soon, every client was asking for the breadsticks to be used as the party
breadstick hors d’oeuvres. Just try these breadsticks at your next get
together and you will see how your guests will enjoy them as an
alternative to the usual hors d’oeuvres.
Coleen’s Better Than Breadsticks are packaged in 4 oz. bags; 12 bags per case; can mix cases.
These breadsticks are ideal as a condiment at Tasting Rooms and Bars or can be sold
as a retail product.
To learn more about these wonderful party breadstick hors d'œuvres view our available breadsticks online. |